Thursday, October 1, 2009

Blogs from Global Psychics on 100 days till 2010

I am cheating today. These are posts on another link. I hope you enjoy them! I am counting down to the beginning of the new year, 2010. Feel free to share these around if you learned anything interesting or exciting. ~Harvester
My Blog (13)
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93--All Things
"All things must change/To something new, to something strange." Henry W. Longfellow How true. I glance up again at that statement and as I am trying to glean something for sharing in this space, what hits me instead is the 'All things." Do you know how many statements include the "All things"? Here are just a few from one source: "All things work together for good (to those who love God and are called according to his design/purpose)." "All things you desire that others would do to/for you, d… Continue
Added on October 1, 2009 at 12:00am —
94 and Counting. I Can Hear the Final Countdown in My Head Already! ;o)
Thirteen weeks and three days to go. Ah, thirteen. The number people are afraid of to the point some buildings don't even label a 13th floor. I say 'label' because, duh, let's be honest here--a rose by any other name. It may say 14th Floor, Lingerie, but honey, we all know it's the 13th Floor, Black Cats, Witches and Bubbling Cauldrons. *wink* I like the number 13 more and more. I realize it is the Death card in Tarot. But it really represents Transformation, not actual death and dying. It is a… Continue
Added on September 30, 2009 at 12:30am —
95! Five down!
This blog is coming to you later than usual. I was up late last night sorting through my 'wisdom' to send to Danielle (she asked for it) and I was at it WAY longer than I intended. Guess I just have a lot of wisdom, ha ha ha !!! The countdown to the first of the year is speeding along, don't you think? I read recently Time really is going faster. I honestly don't know how they can tell by that clock thingy, I mean, wouldn't it be affected by being on the planet with us? But whatever. "Time keep… Continue
Added on September 29, 2009 at 7:13pm —
96--My, How Time Flies
Well, I was encouraged to keep blogging here, so guess I won't quit this space. Thing is, what am I going to write about today? Last night I as doing something a friend suggested: I meditated on the first Hebrew letter, Aleph א. When I closed my eyes to see it, it turned to light and I thought, "Aleph, the center of the universe." As I thought this unplanned thought, the Aleph א began to spin like a windmill toy and it looked like the Milky Way, throwing out light from its tips. It was incredib… Continue
Added on September 28, 2009 at 12:00am —
97--Change of Plan
I have decided to 'finish' my blogging elsewhere. I just have to figure out how to do it...I don't think there's enough space in Facebook, so I'll be checking Later, taters ~ Plan changed again. I'm sticking around! See you 'tomorrow'! Continue
Added on September 27, 2009 at 1:00am —
98 Days of Revelation--Not Biblical, Though ;o)
You are not going to believe this! I had written this whole long piece on the 98 days and didn't save it and I LOST THE WHOLE DARN THING!!! Aarrgghh!!!! I don't even want to recreate it, because I was on a roll (actually writing the past 3 days all on one day--and yes, I know, Cheater, Cheater. But I had confessed that and said I would make it up to you!) And I wrote THIS paragraph late in the evening and the first paragraph earlier today. So, guess I REALLY don't want to write... Okay. There'… Continue
Added on September 26, 2009 at 12:30am —
99 Bottles of ____ on the Wall ;o)
Well, we're off! One day down and 99 to go. Did you find a goal for this 100 day journey and begin to set it into motion? My goal is a simple one: to complete these 100 days with a blog. I tend to fall down when I set goals for myself, so it strikes me, even as I write that, that maybe, hopefully, writing this blog faithfully for the next 99 days will make a substantial change inside me and I can be transformed along the way! Woo hoo! One can only hope, right? (Or is that a bad saying? Maybe we… Continue
Added on September 25, 2009 at 12:30pm —
100 Days to January 2010 Begins Today!
Well, here we are, with the inherent challenge of what to do with the last 100 days until January 1, 2010 is upon us. I thought about writing something similar for the entire 100 days: 100 Things to do with Spaghetti 100 Ways to spruce up your Ice Cream 100 Silly Stories to tell your...Mother? Grandchildren? Dog? I honestly didn't have a clue until this morning when it came to me as I put on my eye shadow (and yes, I may be old, but I still like to look my best! Besides, yesterday I didn't get… Continue
Added on September 24, 2009 at 12:32pm —
Closing in on 100 Days--Finding Our Way
So, I had no idea what I was going to write about. I closed my eyes and Finding Our Way came to mind. I have NO idea what that means, so you will be on this adventure with me! Hoo RAH! *grin* *a big toothy one, at that* First, I want to apologize for the misspellings in yesterday's blog. I get my fingers twisted around my eye teeth and I can't see what I'm 'saying'. I see now I had 'ouf' for 'of' and Pharoah for Pharaoh. Close, but no cigar. I tend to write 'form' for 'from' a lot, too. One han… Continue
Added on September 23, 2009 at 1:38am —
Today I guess I'll talk about Intention. We've heard a lot about it in the Law of Attraction stuff. Scientists speculate that just mere intention alone is enough to influence the level of reality we 'participate' in. What this means is, You have Access to Infinite Power! Whoa! But let's not get ahead of ourselves. What does 'intention' really mean? What does it look like so I can be sure I am 'using' it? In the Old Testament/Torah there is the story of Pharoah and the Israelites. Moses told Ph… Continue
Added on September 22, 2009 at 12:15pm — Response to the Chicken or the Egg
Danielle wrote to me about yesterday's blog: We want to trust that when we imagine, our imagination knows what its doing! Accessing your imagination is a way of tapping into your soul... and your subconscios... great piece, Teresa, Lotsa LLLove, D Here's my response to her: Thanks, Danielle. Yes, trust is a big issue in all things, isn't it? Our imagination may go wild, but if we listen to our hearts at the same time, then we are, as you say, tapping into our own soul and subconscious and findi… Continue
Added on September 21, 2009 at 5:32pm —
The Chicken or the Egg?
You know that 'inbetween time' when you are neither completely awake or completely asleep? Those inbetween times are when the best stuff happens! This morning, as I was in that 'place' I had a thought. First, imagine with me (okay, so it Does look like I'm going to have to talk about that word, 'imagine'--so later, 'k?)--imagine with me a picture on the right of a big white chicken. On the left, another picture of eggs for breakfast...doesn't matter if they're scrambled, poached or made into an… Continue
Added on September 20, 2009 at 2:26pm — 2 Comments
100 Days
The beginning of next week marks the beginning of Fall. Are you ready for that? I don't think I am ready to give up summer yet. By the 24th it will be 100 days till the First of Next Year! 2010!! Are you ready for THAT?! I'm pretty sure that will go just as quickly as this summer has, so it's time to start thinking about what we are going to do in order to make the end of this year meaningful as it regards the renewal of the year on January 1st, 2010. (Or, as it regards the fact the Jewish New Y… Continue
Added by Teresa on September 19, 2009 at 3:20pm — 93--All Things
94 and Counting. I Can Hear the Final Countdown in My Head Already! ;o)
95! Five down!
96--My, How Time Flies
97--Change of Plan
98 Days of Revelation--Not Biblical, Though ;o)
99 Bottles of ____ on the Wall ;o)
Most Popular Blog Posts
96--My, How Time Flies
100 Days to January 2010 Begins Today!
The Chicken or the Egg?
100 Days
99 Bottles of ____ on the Wall ;o)
Closing in on 100 Days--Finding Our Way
93--All Things
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Monday, December 1, 2008

Memories and Using 2% of our Brain

Wow. I've let this slip. Has it really been since the 21st of November? Wow again.

Today is the 1st of December. Where does the time go? And I don't mean just the past week. My son, my baby, will be 23 in 2 days! How can that be? He was just 13 and before that he was just 3.

I still remember him taking my hand in his--it was small, but it was wide--and taking me down the street to show me these giant 'elephant' branches of leaves that had fallen from the neighbor's tree. He was so impressed, he wanted to share it with me. I remember thinking it wouldn't be long before his hand was bigger than mine. I was right. At 13 it was wider and thicker and I couldn't believe he had gotten so big. Now he's 6'2" or so and he wouldn't hold my hand if someone paid him. ;-D

I actually got on here to share something else and now I can't remember what it was! Oh! This will make you laugh: I just read Stanford studies show the average person only uses 2% of his brain! Two percent! (At least I remembered, so a few of those brain cells are firing). ;-D I thought it was bad when they said we used 10%! Have we gotten so used to computerized 'everything' we don't even use that piddling amount anymore? Geez!

Now, I have to be honest. I know some people I'm pretty sure might be running on that 2%--or less. But seriously. I realize it said 'the average person' and none of us are average, right? But come on! That might mean we're using LESS! ;-D

What do you think that other 98% could do if we found a way to access and use the heck out of it? I mean, do you think we could have ESP or fly or would it just mean we'd be smarter or quicker or think up better stuff?

A lot of people are completely satisfied using that 2%. I don't know about you, but I'm gonna try to find out how to use more than that. I don't know how, but I suspect the attempt to figure it out might actually trigger a few more brain cells. Whattaya think?

Here's to using your brain for more than head filler. As I used to tease my highly gifted daughter, "If you had half a brain you'd be dangerous." How dangerous are you?

Harvester Zoe

Friday, November 21, 2008

There are 40 days left in this year! What does That make you think of?

Forty days and forty nights of the biblical flood. Forty days Moses was on Mt. Sinai receiving the Ten Declarations (commandments doesn't really quite describe them properly). Forty days in the wilderness for Jesus/Yeshua. Forty years the Israelites wandered in the desert. Et cetera.

In other words, 40 is a pretty significant, symbolic number. There are other examples, but suffice it to say, 'things can drastically change' in a forty day period, right?

In the Hebrew aleph-bet the letter that signifies '40' is the thirteenth letter, mem. That 13 has issues, too, right? ;-D Anyway, this letter represents the element of water. Interesting when you think of the flood, huh? So what is the deal with water?

Water is an element of change, as are fire and wind. Water is the element of thought, intuition, emotion. It is the spiritual aspect of life.

A Jewish mikvah, which we would--erroneously--compare to a baptismal, is filled with 40 se'ahs (a measurement) of water. At certain times a person will go to the mikvah for a ceremonial act wherein s/he will not take in a breath, as we are wont to do, but will blow out their breath and go under the water. At this point it is believed that without the 'breath of life' they are at one with The One, as spirit with spirit, I guess you could say. When they emerge, they are renewed.

I could get way deeper here, but I will leave you with this thought: If the earth was renewed after 40 days and 40 nights under water; if a new 'people' were 'created' crossing the Sea of Reeds (Red Sea) and receiving the 'commandments' after Moses spent 40 days on the mount, what great changes can you manifest for yourself beginning to today that you can see fulfilled on the first of the new year, 40 days from now?

I look forward to seeing the 'new and improved' you (and me) on January 1st. Take a deep breath--then slowly breath out...imagine, believe, be transformed!

Harvester Zoe (Maybe tomorrow I will discuss how the 13 works with this--It isn't an unlucky number at all! Someone remind me!) ;-D

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Happy Birthday, Steamboat Willy (Willie?)! Yep, Mickey Mouse is 80 today! 1928, wow. A lot of cool things happened that year, especially in radio and movies.

Today is also the anniversary of the touch tone phone. Much quicker dialing than rotary. Remember? Even when I say my old phone numbers, I 'hear' the dial being longer for the bigger numbers. No 'beep, beep, beep'. Weird, huh?

Well, I actually have nothing profound to say about Mickey. I suppose if I allowed myself to think about it I would, but it's just been one of those days. So...

Here's to Mickey, whose name became synonymous with insignificance. Odd, really, since his birthday and the place his fame paid for (DisneyLand, etc) are a significant part of our culture, don't you think? Or maybe it all really is just a lot of Mickey Mouse. Hmm...

Put on your ears and sing with me, "M-I-C K-E-Y (Why? Because we like you) M-O-U-S-E!
(See ya real soon!)"

Harvester Zoe

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Geez. They make this harder every time. At least when I (finally) found it last time it immediately got me here. What the heck? I know I'm an electronics jinx, but come on!

Today's rant is over and I wanted to chat about something that happened to me yesterday. I received my first rejection on my novel--and just at the query stage! No biggie, right? One down, hopefully not too many more to go. ;-D

But for some reason, even though the email only said, "not for me thanks anyway" (and no, these guys don't use punctuation or anything, it would appear), it still seems to be affecting me.

It made me think of the old 'sticks and stones'. Words DO hurt. And though I have the query out to others who aren't as quick at responding, I have walked around all day with this weird heaviness I keep recognizing and then having to attempt to do something about.

Attempt being the operative word here. ;-D

I used to have a couple friends who got really depressed--to the point you couldn't reach either of them for months. At least I'm a functioning depressive! ;-D

So, what is it about rejection, even something so small it has nothing to do with you personally, that upsets some of us so?

It's like carying around this invisible baggage. I can feel it and it's plenty big, too. Maybe, and here's a thought that comes to me this very instant, maybe I carry the bag around all the time and when something like this happens I just let it slip its way into the bag and off I go, carrying it around until the next thing. What is up with that?! Craziness.

So right now I am choosing to take a deep breath and put down the bag. I don't have to deal with what's in the bag; I just have to walk away from the bag. After all, this is probably (even though I wish otherwise) NOT the first rejection of the query or the manuscript I am going to encounter. It's time to grow the heck up and not let this kind of thing bring me down.

Know why? Because that is EXACTLY what has kept me from doing anything with my writing and everything else my whole life. Who gives a rip if Mr. Levine or Ms. Seymour or Joe Schmo don't want to represent me? Someone WILL! I just have to search until I find the person who does.

Now, how can you apply this to your life as well? I know some of you who are reading this have
never had a personal doubt about your ability. Wait? Is that true? Are there REALLY people LIKE that out there? Well, I may not know the real story about the people who came to mind when I wrote that, but for those who sometimes lose heart or self-confidence, here's today's 'take home':

We all have something to say--or do or 'be'. We just have to find the audience who wants to hear it. So keep searching until those people show up, ready and willing to take to heart the wisdom that flows from within you. I believe in every one of you, and even if, perchance, we don't agree on every little thing, know this: Your thoughts are still valuable. YOU are still valuable. Each of us is a link in the great chain of 'knowing' and 'being'. And if you choose to worship at the temple that is my heart, I welcome you. May we all find worshipers--not people who worship 'us', per se--but people who know the value of who we are and are willing to worship the 'god' within, people who know something we don't know or even have a better handle on what we think we DO know.

Thanks for listening. Oddly, I feel better now. Sharing has a way of doing that, doesn't it?

May the Divine in you and the Divine in me commune in complete joy at the Altar of our Uniqueness. ;-D

Harvester Zoe

Friday, November 14, 2008

Okay. So I proved I'm not computer saavy. I couldn't figure out how to get back here so I could post another blog.
I was trying to decide if I needed to capitalize things to get here. And I was putting in @ instead of dot. That pretty much got me nowhere fast.

But I made it! I figured it out.


It amazes me how one little 'error', one letter or character that doesn't 'go', can keep you from your 'appointed rounds', as it were.

Is life really that complicated?

Sometimes, I think maybe so. One little misstep, one small, seemingly insignificant choice and Bang! Life takes a turn you never expected. I've seen it, in retrospect, in my own life. And, sadly, it is even more noticeable in my children's lives. How I wish they had listened!

But, just like my adventures in blog searching, we learn from our mistakes. In fact, I'll bet we tend to learn more from our mistakes than we do from just 'getting it'. (Though I have to admit it would have been nice to just 'get it' with the blog address.)

Think about it: You get so flustered you accidentally leave your bank card in the slot and it gets eaten. Sometimes you don't even notice, you're in such a hurry. Well, I guarantee when you figure it out and get the card replaced, it's gonna be a lo-o-ong time before you let that happen again. Right?

Of course, there are life lessons that don't have anything to do with things that eventually seem as trivial as that (but I did think of a couple more things that run in that direction--like leaving car doors unlocked with your purse inside). Sometimes we pick the wrong friends, the wrong lovers, the wrong career, etc etc etc. We learn to choose better because we have opened ourselves up to notice what doesn't work for us, even if it's just a wrong turn. Because wrong friends, etc, are just that: wrong turns. But we can always turn back around and go in another direction. And the next time we're on that 'road', we'll be sure to look for the signs and turn in the more advantageous spot.

So, that's my drivel for today: Couldn't figure out how to find my own stupid blog and turned it into a stupid blog for you! See? Isn't life grand? Live and learn. tee hee

Harvester Zoe

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

49 Days Left in 2008

Hello out there in Blogosphere Land!

It's November 12, 2008 and this is my first official Blog! Woo hoo!

I am all about being spiritual and wise. And I like to think I am
inspirational and deep as well!

So let's see if this is so...

I started this message last night and should have just stayed on it
even though it was cutting drastically into my bedtime reading.

Why? Because my computer was temperamental and lost the whole
darn thing this morning!!! Aarrgghh!!

So, here's the shortened version:

There are 49 days left in this year. And 49 makes me think of the
'49ers (not the football team, but the prospectors).

So what?

Well, I was thinking about what those early gold seekers did in order
to pursue their dream of 'striking it rich'.

They gave up everything to go west (unless they sailed from Hawaii
or came down from the more northern states, but you get my drift).

Are we willing to go after something we want with all our resources,
all our might, all our hopes?

I had some really great insights in last night's email. But I'm going
to leave it at this: Many people got rich, and many did not. Many
left just before they hit 'pay dirt'.

I want to encourage us all to keep on keeping on; to not allow defeat
or discouragement to stop us just before us hit the Big One.

Keep digging. Give it all you have. Think of those '49ers of old and
determine to 'go for the gold' just like they did.

Your dreams can become a reality. Don't sit in a comfortable place
'back East', wishing you had what it takes to brave the wilds and go
after what has you thinking outside the box. Go LIVE outside the
box! Go after your dreams, no matter how long they take.

You're worth it. Your dreams are worth it.
Here's to golden dreams being fulfilled.

Much love,
Harvester of Life (What my real name means)