Friday, November 14, 2008

Okay. So I proved I'm not computer saavy. I couldn't figure out how to get back here so I could post another blog.
I was trying to decide if I needed to capitalize things to get here. And I was putting in @ instead of dot. That pretty much got me nowhere fast.

But I made it! I figured it out.


It amazes me how one little 'error', one letter or character that doesn't 'go', can keep you from your 'appointed rounds', as it were.

Is life really that complicated?

Sometimes, I think maybe so. One little misstep, one small, seemingly insignificant choice and Bang! Life takes a turn you never expected. I've seen it, in retrospect, in my own life. And, sadly, it is even more noticeable in my children's lives. How I wish they had listened!

But, just like my adventures in blog searching, we learn from our mistakes. In fact, I'll bet we tend to learn more from our mistakes than we do from just 'getting it'. (Though I have to admit it would have been nice to just 'get it' with the blog address.)

Think about it: You get so flustered you accidentally leave your bank card in the slot and it gets eaten. Sometimes you don't even notice, you're in such a hurry. Well, I guarantee when you figure it out and get the card replaced, it's gonna be a lo-o-ong time before you let that happen again. Right?

Of course, there are life lessons that don't have anything to do with things that eventually seem as trivial as that (but I did think of a couple more things that run in that direction--like leaving car doors unlocked with your purse inside). Sometimes we pick the wrong friends, the wrong lovers, the wrong career, etc etc etc. We learn to choose better because we have opened ourselves up to notice what doesn't work for us, even if it's just a wrong turn. Because wrong friends, etc, are just that: wrong turns. But we can always turn back around and go in another direction. And the next time we're on that 'road', we'll be sure to look for the signs and turn in the more advantageous spot.

So, that's my drivel for today: Couldn't figure out how to find my own stupid blog and turned it into a stupid blog for you! See? Isn't life grand? Live and learn. tee hee

Harvester Zoe

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